Lunch Menus
School Lunches are provided by Sue Brady Catering and ordered via Scopay.
- The Scopay system has an 8 day cut off for the current ordering week.
- Please order in advance.
- If you have not registered please do so HERE.
- If you have already registered, please login HERE.
- email with any queries.
FREE SCHOOL MEALS: If your child is entitled to Free School Meals you can still use the Online Order Form, but you will need a LINK CODE to register your account. Once you have created your account, SCOPAY will automatically recognise universal Free School Meals. Make your order using the online SCOPAY calendar. Familes with more than one child at the same school can link their accounts to one login. Parents with a mix of ‘paid’ and ‘free school meal’ children will only be charged for those children that are not eligible for free school meals.