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Marden Vale

C E Academy

With God, all things are possible - Matthew 19:26







Collective Worship

With God, all things are possible" - Matthew 19:26


Daily acts of collective worship are provided and through these we aim to:

  • Provide opportunities for children to worship and explore their own beliefs, and to praise and reach out to God.
  • Express praise and gratitude; recognition of vulnerability as humans, pray for oneself and others.
  • Reaffirm and practise the aims and values of our school.
  • Stimulate reflection and spiritual growth within the school.
  • Develop a sense of belonging, sharing, caring and responsibility.
  • Celebrate Christian beliefs, ideals, values and experiences.
  • Promote feelings of awe and wonder, love, compassion and personal relationships.
  • Share emotions such as love, hope, friendship, acceptance, fear, reverence, forgiveness and trust.
  • Offer children the time to reflect, respond and have reverence for things which are of worth, and which have great meaning in people's lives.


Our acts of worship take place daily and will be held either in the school hall (for the whole school or key stage) or in the classrooms, school grounds or in the church.  The participation and involvement of children is positively encouraged. This is achieved through the use of music, art, poetry, drama, artefacts, reflection and silence.  We also include traditional elements of worship such as prayers, hymns and bible stories.  Time is allowed for thought and silence and opportunities for pupil involvement.


Our daily acts of collective worship are:


Monday 9am Whole singing practice led by staff on a rota basis



Whole school worship led by staff on a rota basis



Open the Book worship for the whole school



Whole school worship led by the Head Teacher / Deputy Head



Celebration Assembly celebrating the week's achievements in and out of school led by the Head Teacher or Deputy Head


This term we will be focusing on the value COURAGE
